Isn't the java sdk about 30MB or more? Yeah it will be a pig. Would it be possible to repackage Blackdown Java or some other? not sure on the licensing or size, just throwing out a thought. is a repository for a blackdown for debian. Not real up to date though.
how about making it and sending directly to chickenman?
I was just letting everyone know that we must be careful on what is in the repository. Members can "help each other out" Let me get this straight:
DSL doesn't have a Sh interp. so scripts wont work. We can distribute the Bluej software. We can distribute the scripts to get java sdk
Please clarifying this.
and i would never break the ditrobution liscences that i have read Also chickenman. Are you wanting the new 1.5 java and Bluej 2 (both in beta) or do you want the time tested 1.4.2 java and 1.3.5 bluej?
(others can chip in on this)WOW! 100 MB of space needed for the SDK! OUCH!!! Anybody know what i can delete to get that smaller?Next Page...
original here.