myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Java

Delete java.

Problem solved :D

yeh, sdk is a bitch

i want the "time tested" 4.2.(some number...) and the old blue j aswell, thats whats schools got, because i dont want to be showing up and going "aww dang, i cant do this", or (worse) "why the hell dosent anything i program dang well work around this joint..." and i dont much go for beta's anyway.

Having cleared that up, where abouts is the java SDK 2.4.(is it a 2?) download?, i have the windows version (thanks alot school...). But i cant find anythings vaugely correct looking on sun's site, admitidly I didnt really look extremely hard.

Also, i surely need to get a .dsl for something or other, so could somebody point me in the right direction?

Thanks for everyones help so far.

Do you know what the hell you are talking about?  Isn't Java standard on version 1.4.2 or something close to that.  Try to be clear on version numbers or you will cause a ton of confusion and more questions here.  My Windows box at work and home have Java j2re 1.4.2 and the .dsl file I downloaded is j2re1.4.2.tar.gz.

How about this.  Is there a java editor or SDK that you can use at a website?  Surely the great Java has a way to use this stuff over the net and save the stuff you put in an editor onto the local filesystem (floppy or USB) when done.

sorry about the confusion, if any. I do mean 1.4.2

j2re1.4.2.dsl is just a java firefox plugin isnt it?
i hate to say it but i am not too sure what firefox is, is it a web-brouser of some sort?

anyway, a web-based java editor sounds good enough for me, if anybody knows one i would be very intrested to hear about it.


Firefox is indeed a web browser.  The j2re is the java runtime for the browser, but if you have a .jar on your PC, you should be able to run it with the j2re.  Just use the browser to start it.
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