myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Java
BlueJ is 1.8MB and requires 1.4.x Java SDK. It comes as a .jar file, so it is written in Java.
The project page on states that it is fully redistributable. you still need a method to get the full Java SDK, that seems to be the sticking point. Goto and pick the J2SE v 1.4.2_05 SDK , then on the download screen, pick the j2sdk-1_4_2_05-linux-i586.bin file. You should be able to save it to a directory you then drop on your DSL remaster along with the bluej-135.jar file. From an xterm after booting your DSL remaster, or from emelfm, run the .bin file to install the SDK and then run "java -jar bluej-135.jar " per the instructions at the site.
See if that works. I think you will have to remaster yourself due to the Java license, but if you can do it, this should do it for you.
I'll test this method today and see if it works. You will have a wait each time you start DSL when you run the two installers. You will probably need a lot of ram too.
The SDK requires 100 + mb of ram to unzip. There may be a way to unzip it and add the folder to the cdrom before the remaster and have a bunch of symlinks point to the /cdrom folder with the J2sdk. If you had the same way installed then a bluej DSL/TAR.GZ would not be to difficult if you tracked the files installed by bluej. It is something i would like to succede at but am unable to due to time constraints now.
ok, i got thoes 2 files, after some time, but i have no clue how to install java (ie run the .bin file). i figure i'd better have java before i go using bluej.
so when i try to use emelfm it says i need to choose a command to run it or something, and i get a similar error with rox. i dunno what remastering is or if i should have done anything, so, basically, i am stuck.
For a *.bin file, you could try this from inside an xterminal:
chmod 755 name_of_file.bin
thanks cbagger01, it did the trick, but now i dont know what to do, i cant run "java -jar bluej-135.jar " because i dont have a "java" command, so do i need to install j2sdk1.4.2.05 to somewhere specifically? (to make java a command?)
oh, and yes, i am a total n00b...(obviously)
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