myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Java
ok, i figured it out, i am a n00b allright...
copied the java files to /opt/ so thyre out of the way, dunno if thyre SUPPOSED to be there, dosent matter anyway...
so i chucked the bluej install into the bin folder and ran the command from in there. i was probably supposed to put it into dsl's bin folder tho right?, i dunno, it runs now anyway...
did you finaly get the SDK or are you using a Jre that came in a DSL? If you have that SDK, wow, that takes some memory.
Nice to see we got that working. I will try and see if i can create a from CD how to on the subject.
Yeh, i got SDK, but i have a HDD install on a 2gb so its no big deal.
original here.