myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Java

The j2re1.4.2 is more than just the plugin. It is the runtime environment. So with...

export PATH="$PATH:/opt/j2re1.4.2/bin/"
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/j2re1.4.2

You are able to run java bytecode programs.

How about jEdit for your editor?  It's GPL software, so somebody could make a .dsl file out of it.  It has lots of plugins available, so you should figure out what are the most useful ones.  About 1.8MB for the editor.

Quote from site:
To install jEdit via Debian Linux apt-get, add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb ./
deb-src ./

Then, just run apt-get update, followed by apt-get install jedit or apt-get source jedit.  to get it.  Looks like 32MB, maybe twice that.  Instructions here:
And it looks like you must have GCC already on your box.  You would have some probs. getting all this in a .dsl I think.  Of course they were able to put OpenOffice in a .dsl, so maybe anything is possible.

Does Blackdown have the same restrictions as SUN java? I personaly would like to see a java compiler and Bluej (my online class uses that) that i could boot when the computers are acting up (happen sometimes, really annoying). If i can pull off the java sdk dsl  and IDE that would be good.

Um how do we make the new UCI packages? JDK-1.4.2-bdrc1.uci sounds real nice.

Well jedit sounds good to me, I'll go and get it after the firefox java plugin stops downloading. I use DSL at home on a HDD install because of its small size and ease of use, so a .dsl is not critical for me. also, my dillo is screwing up and wouldnt log me in for some reason anyone know why?, using glinks now anyway so it dosent really matter...
the firefox java is just the plugin and JRE you will need an SDK for jedit. Just to let you know.

Also. I cant get bluej to run. it has something about a Lang.object thingy (OHH. thats techincal :laugh:) problem. any clue?

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