myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Quake 1 myDSL
Sounds like fun.
I could maybe get myself a copy of Q1 CD and get all the files off of it, and maybe even upload them somewhere in an extension. If you could get Q1 without the pak files, I'll get an extension with them, and then you can have some fun fraggin'.
Too bad Q3A is too damned big to make into an extension. Then again, I've never made it work on a non-winbl0wz environment...
Great work 
Though, what's so bad about having an extension bigger than the DSL iso? Have you seen how big OpenOffice extension is? 63.3megs!!
Which would I rather use? Openoffice or Quake2? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm 
If someone could upload it will the shareware .pak file that would be great!!
Since the game and map files are not GPL'ed, just the sources,
it's probably not a good idea to have DamnSmallLinux website
distribute the .pak files. It would also eat up a lot of bandwidth.
Here is a link to the shareware file to extract your .pak out of.
IDsoftware can handle the traffic load much better than DSL.
Here is a recent screenshot of my mornings quake session & desktop.
I'm running it in a window at 800x600.. plays fine business..
Here is is ...
Good point. Thanks for the work again.
I'm going to start looking at getting some more extensions done myself - put something back into the community and all that 
I'd prefer to do stuff like this than to document code or to pay money, though props to those who do!
Hi ,
I tried it both on cd and hdd dsl 0.7, but i got the same error:
damnsmall@1[damnsmall]$ /usr/games/quake2
using /home/damnsmall/.quake2/baseq2/ for writing
couldn't exec default.cfg
couldn't exec config.cfg
Console initialized.
------- sound initialization -------
/dev/dsp: No such device
SNDDMA_Init: Could not open /dev/dsp.
------- Loading -------
recursive shutdown
Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx
The sound is normall, because i don't have a soundcard installed. But the other default.cfg and config.cfg files, where are they ?
Can you provide just the itsy pitsy more info?
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