myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Quake 1 myDSL

Sounds like you haven't added any ".pak" game and map
files to the /usr/lib/games/quake2/baseq2 directory.
The .pak files need to be added from either a cd copy of
quake2, or pulled out of the downloadable shareware copy.
( see my post earlier in this thread about adding .pak files )

The "" should be the last file in your
"/usr/lib/games/quake2" directory ...

Typically, the game writes the config files upon exit to store
setup choices and other options the way you want them.
The second time I run it, I don't get those messages..
Once you have your config.cfg file written to disk, the
default.cfg file is not necessary ...

Perhaps I could simply include a default copy of the 2 files
in the next revision.  I have ran this from clean installs of 0.7.1
on 6 or more computers, both LiveCD and HDinstall,
and it runs great. Even on a P3-500 at 800x600 window,
the game play is very acceptable.. stand-alone or multiplayer..
I also want to add to the next quake2.dsl revision more ctf files.



Hey I got it working !!!
Seems that my pak0 file was corrupt... i grabt the one from my original cd and that one does the job great.
( it even works under my vmware dsl linux machine which i use for testing !!!!)

Great job men !!!

here's a little summary for those who want to do the harddisk install:
as root:
#cd /
#tar zxvf quake2.dsl
now insert the quake2 cd in you drive, i use the desktop mount utility... hey they made it easy... :-)
#cp /cdrom/Install/Data/baseq2/pak0.pak /usr/lib/games/quake2/baseq2/

then exit the root shell
open xshell as damnsmall
and shoot them all down !   :angry:  !!   :p


Good Work !

Thanks for the positive feedback...

".....EOD confirms bridge is DOWN !... "
"... all squad leaders report to sister teams!..."
   [excerpts from radio chatter on q2 demo..]


Is there any progress on Quake 1?  I dug around last night and found my Quake 1 that I bought at the discount bin.  I also found my Q3: Arena, Doom II and a disk with Doom I and II extra maps, hints and cheats.   I did not however find Quake II yet so I grabbed the demo.
Your Doom II game files and Doom extras should run fine
with the lxdoom package (doom.dsl )  ...

The quake I engine is at the usual apt-get locations...
It should be in the stable debian area...
Your welcome to throw a .dsl together from that...
I have made zero progress on quake I...

73 de Kent

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