myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Quake 1 myDSL
Hey everyone,
I've just started playing with 0.7 and the myDSL extensions (last iso I burnt was 5.3.1, been a bit busy...) and I think this is a really great step forward for DSL.
Now, it would be completely horn if someone makes a myDSL extension for the Quake 1 source which has been released by ID. I'm unsure on the size that this will end up being but I'm sure it will only be around 30megs, which would be just perfect to fit on a 185meg mini-cd alone with lxdoom and others.
If anyone is gifted in creating myDSL extensions and is wondering what else to extend, then my vote is for Quake 1.
You'll probably say why don't I just do it...I'm having trouble enough getting Quake 1 source to work on my Mandrake 10.0 Community install, I think I'll leave this to someone who's less of a n00b...
The next step is obviously a Quake 2 extension, since that too has been released by ID in source form.
Or am I way off track?
Don't the Quake 1 and 2 sources require level files that are only included with the retail version of the game? I suppose the demos might be possible..
I'd be happy just with the demo 
How cool would it be just needing two CD's to have some network fragging, without installing a bit of software?
I'd be SO taking this to work 
I'm working on Q2 now...
You'll need the Q2 CD win or lin version,to get the .pak files
for the levels...
Even with the shareware pak0.pak, it is a fat app..
A major d/load for dialups, so no .pak files.
Maybe include the shareware .pak in another .dsl file.
When I have it in .dsl format, I 'll post it up.
I have completed the "quake2.dsl" file.
It DOES NOT include the game and map files..
Even the shareware version single .pak file is
larger than the entire DSL compressed .iso file.
Install the quake2.dsl file however you wish.
Adding to /optional, or mydsl-load works fine.
You will need a source for game/map data.
Download the shareware version, and use the
gnu-utils.dsl package to unzip the self-executable.
Grab the */install/baseq2/pak0.pak file, and copy it to
/usr/lib/games/quake2/baseq2/ directory as root.
Or, use the CD version, and again, copy the pak*.pak
files to the */baseq2/ directory as root user.
John should have it available in the repository shortly.
[EDIT] We're havin' quite a bit of fun here fraggin 3 way :-)
An old Athlon 900, Dual 933/1073 P3, P3-500 @ 640x480
Enjoy ! :-)
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