myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New exciting  dsl  extension :  Icedock  :-)

Quote (henk1955 @ Sep. 06 2004,10:53)
i am a icewm user to. i use your icewm.dsl and icewm-blue.dsl.

i have bin looking for icedock myself but could not get it to work.
now i found it in this post. i tried it, il apears to work well.

do you now wich winoptions i have to set to make icedock stay on top and in the docklayer so it wil not be covert by other applications when maximized?

i will repackage your icedock.dsl for my own use. I think it is a little to agarisive to my current settings i.e

and you make using DSL fun by giving us usable windowmanager, thank you!

In .icedockrc uncomment the line ontop=on ;-)

I am very happy too with DSL and Icewm. It's very easy to use and can also be very beautiful depending on the theme

take a look at my current desktop on a remastered DSL

Nice !!

Good Work !


Wow!  Nice desktop.
I have tried this and like it my only problem is it starts with no desktop icons and when I choose enhanced the dock apps appear on top of each other in the upper left hand corner. Also how could I get the IE icon to point to Firefox? How do I edit a .dsl file?


PS: Great desktop, package it

One more thing i noticed, some menu items from the fluxbox list are missing. One that I noticed was the get flash plugin option. Cab we package flash as a separate .dsl ?
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