myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: myDSL Wishlist

Usually, when I get that, it is a bad download...
How does the md5sum compare ?

Try the d/l again...

and the xmahjongg is available.....


Regarding your prompt notification of the current availability of the XMahjongg myDSL extension: HOLY MOLY! That was fast. My eternal gratitude.
I was really wondering if someone could make a windowmaker.dsl? i really love window maker a lot and miss it. other than that i love dsl! please help!
i've been testing DSL since its .6.2
it has improved ALOT.
and i really like the .dsl functionality.

thanks to john, robert, and others who spent time molding DSL into a small MIGHTY distro.

um... can someone make a .dsl for gnumeric?

good day!

I wouldnt mind seeing somebody do a .dsl version of wine.

Im just lazy i know :)

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