myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: myDSL Wishlist
Don't hold your breath waiting for a wine extension. Wine is notoriously difficult to get working on a regular full featured Linux distro. I think that getting it to work on a stripped down livecd would be a major accomplishment.
Good luck to anyone who is working on this one.
i have seen a debian version so if deps can be met not impossible but would be a massive file too big for a live cd really so not really appropriate to the project
I believe the KNOPPIX live CD has wine installed. Perhaps you could try that to see how it works. I agree with everyone else, it would make DSL much larger.
The KNOPPIX live CD has wine installed on the disk.
However, getting it to actually WORK is a different story all together...
I'd rather not publish programs that don't work properly for 9 out of 10 people 
how aboot freeciv?
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