myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - 09/2004

Gimp 2.0 is sa-weeeet.
I was just playing with it for a while, and haven't run into any problems yet.  some of the filters and scripts cause my system to slow down a bit, so users with small amounts of ram may need patience...this is gimp itself, though...nothing to do with the way the extension was built.

One thing I cannot understand, though....
I removed the locale directory (21mb uncompressed) and zipped it back up just to see what the difference would be, and my new archive was 29MB.  This is using gzip -9
How the heck did you get it down to 21mb in the first place, never mind also having the locale directory included?  Is there a higher gzip compression than 9?  I didn't remove all the base directories for the test, but I can't see how this would make that much difference.

Freecraft menu file is fixed..


Woot !   updated - 09/11/2004 - ke4nt
oooooooooooooo.... :blues:
gcc downloaded, md5sum checked....zz-top inserted....commence compiling....

firefox-0.9.3.dsl contra gimp2.0.dsl

i can not have firefox-0.9.3.dsl and gimp2.0.dsl myDSL-loaded at the same time.

if i have firefox-0.9.3.dsl in mydsl dir (so it load at startup) and gimp2.0.dsl in /optional
then firefox runs fine
now when i mydsl-load gimp2.0.dsl, this loads well but when i try to run it i get:
Code Sample

relocation error: /usr/bin/gimp2.0: undefind symbol: gdk_threads_lock

if i have gimp2.0.dsl in mydsl dir (so it load at startup) and firefox-0.9.3dsl in /optional
then gimp2.0f runs fine
now when i mydsl-load firefox-0.9.3 it does not run

i think they use incompatible gtk2 libraries.
would it be posible to remove the gtk2 library files from both, then create a new dsl extension with the libraries and have all other extension use this?

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