myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - 09/2004

I have moved the gimp2.0 back into testing.

It uses more recent versions of pango and GTK than
firefox.0.9.3, abiword, and others..

Perhaps it can be rebuilt to run within its own directory space.
Then it won't interfere with other operations..

Thanks to henk1955 for the heads-up..


updated - 09/15/2004 - ke4nt
updated - 09/16/2004 - ke4nt
Qcad is great and something i wanted very much. But 39 MB on Ramdisk? Could we please have an qcad.uci file as well ?
i looks like the repostiory shifts from *.dsl to *.tar.gz
*.dsl intergrate with the DSL base code. (requiest big parts of the code to be moved to ramdisk)
*.tar.gz only write to dir like /home/dsl /etc for settings and /opt for the binaries (code) (which are already in ramdisk)
*.uci have a user.tar.gz for settings in /home/dsl, /etc and a compressed image of the binaries (cod) in /opt.
so it must be very easy to convert any *.tar.gz into a*.uci i.e
amsn93, qcad, audacity

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