myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - 08 / 2004

Updated 08/22/2004 - ke4nt

Posted on Aug. 21 2004,23:02I've noticed firefox also has trouble with gzipped web always wants to download them as archives rather than decompress and display.
I haven't thought enough about it to try to figure out how to fix it...maybe something to do with the ~/.phoenix/.../mimeTypes.rdf, but that's just a guess.

I've also seen where Firefox has troubles downloading .tar.gz files..
I won't even USE firefox for downloading them anymore..
They all get corrupted horribly..
Dillo does fine , wget does fine,
Boo on Firefox...   I hope they fix this in the later versions..


Cheers to gui for windowmaker!
Downloading now....

eboard.dsl - works, but only the 3rd game engine, crafty, will start a game.

Freeciv.dsl - started server then client on a clean DamnSmall boot.  Program starts up, but could not start an actual game.

acm.dsl - works

synaptic.dsl - works

aria.dsl - works

Freeciv.dsl - I moved it out of testing temporarily..

Once you have your clients configured,
all I did was type" start" in the server window...
( this was all on the localhost box, no network during test )
If it heaves or hoses, let me know..

Thanks for the FB,
I will move some more extensions into the main area shortly.

Check the "barrage" game again, a household favorite..
I changes the menu item to list the full path, seems better now.
If all is good, I will update the .info file..


barrage was working for me, as long as I have sound.  I'll have to remaster tomorrow and include some of the new stuff.  I'm working on a new project right now, so I don't have as much time.
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