myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - 08 / 2004
which project can be more important than DSL?
Couple of things.
I have to do my normal work, yuck.
I'm trying to customize Knoppix for someone to boot up, detect a wifi card, join a session with a xdmcp server (xserver). This is proving to not be easy. My original method failed. It's on a laptop, so it needs extra tweeking.
Starting a new project with someone in my Linux User Group to make a website that has a simple interface to create either a custom Debian installer ISO or a custom LiveCD. Maybe both. Not sure what language it's going to be in, maybe php and python or java (yuck). I'm mostly the idea man and designer and I'm working with a programmer. I've dealt with more LiveCDs than anyone in my LUG, so I'm kind of the point man on this stuff.

Updated - 08/26/2004 - ke4nt
updated - 08/29/2004 - ke4nt
more testing done with 0.7.3 since my 0.8 doesn't work.
New themes working: 7Matrix. 7color, amber, natured, rox, sid1, strawberry
All work fine.
Tried the xmms skins package and some worked, some didn't. Do you want a list? The ones that didn't just give you a standard xmms.
Tried the revamped barrage and it works.
Audacity-1.2.1 - works. It doesn't seem to allow you to rewind. Also I have no idea what I am doing w/ this app, but I opened a couple of files and played them.
eboard- still same problem. Only the crafty game engine works.
dsl-fluxbox-0.9.9 - seems to run and it adds the menu items, but doesn't seem to do anything. The restart in the menu does force the wm to restart.
freecraft- doesn't do anything. Do I have to run from command line? If so I couldn't find it.
wmfrog - wmdock app to monitor weather. I got this to work. I installed the .dsl, then in emelfm you have to run "wmfrog -s <your weather station collsign>" for me this was, "wmfrog -s kmci" for the Kansas City MO Int'l airport or "wmfrog -s kmkc" for the downtown KC airport. The website to look up stations is That address should probably be put in the .info file along w/ how to run it. Works great.
wmppp - loads and will run and go to the dock. I don't have dialup though. When I ran Skype, an icon appeared below this dock app.
xv - now works. It's a bit clunky, but it works.
skype - works. I was able to create a new user name and passwd.
wvdial - runs and some stuff is put in /usr/bin, but I have no idea how to set it up.
wmaker - didn't do anything for me.
quake2 - I wonder if there is a way to get this one to ask where the .pak files are on startup. I have my notes around here somewhere about how to load this, but I've not gotten it to run. How about if I were able to drop my .pak file in a /quake2 directory in the root of the CD?
doom - lxdoom works great, but I'm wondering if there is a way for me to drop the episodes not included w/ the shareware version into the CD and be able to run them? Right now you only get Knee Deep in the Blood.
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