myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - 08 / 2004
That should be easy to add into the menu line...
That's a strange bug...does it have anything to do with "tar.gz" in the filename? Doesn't seem like that would make any difference, but I can't think of any other's just a text file, after all.
updated 08/21/2004 - ke4nt - more themes
Been that way for a while...
I did substitute out the .tar.gz in the names of the .info files,
just so they would work in Firefox, much to some others dismay..
I have to agree that I dislike patching our website just for Firefox..
.. and yes, it is the .tar.gz in the filename..
I don't know where Firefox keeps its default action for .tar.gz.
It tries to handle it as a tar.gz, but gets confused when it doesn't work.
If you find where to change this default behavior in Firefox, let us KNOW
I've noticed firefox also has trouble with gzipped web always wants to download them as archives rather than decompress and display.
I haven't thought enough about it to try to figure out how to fix it...maybe something to do with the ~/.phoenix/.../mimeTypes.rdf, but that's just a guess.
updated - 08/22/2004 - ke4nt
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