
Group: Members
Posts: 13
Joined: Aug. 2007 |
Posted: Nov. 11 2007,16:54 |
Hi, with dsl 3.3 i put some .uci-extensions to xinitrc to load at startup, for ex. firefox, conky and xmahjongg, so that they are mounted and, in the case of conky, running, when fluxbox starts.
The fluxbox_0.9.14.uci i put to bootlocal.sh, so that i can call it in xinitrc instead of the built-in fluxbox_0.1.14 of dsl, and it worked very good.
Now i changed to dsl 4.0rc5 and i cant get fluxbox_0.9.14. The uci is mounted, and the call in xinitrc is the same as in dsl3.3, but it doesn't work.
Here are the .xinitrc-files:
dsl 3.3
# put X windows programs that you want started here. # Be sure to add at the end of each command the &
KEYTABLE="$(getknoppixparam.lua KEYTABLE)" DESKTOP="$(getoption.lua $HOME/.desktop wm)" ICONS="$(getoption.lua $HOME/.desktop icons)" # xset +fp /opt/fonts/artwiz-aleczapka
umix -lf .umix 2>/dev/null
[ -f .mouse_config ] && sh .mouse_config &
# For non-US Keyboards if [ ${KEYTABLE:0:2} != "us" ]; then xmodmap -e "clear Mod4" -e "add Mod5 = Mode_switch" & fi
if [ "$ICONS" == 1 ]; then for x in `ls -1 .xtdesktop/*.hide 2>/dev/null`; do rm -f ${x%.*}; done iconsnap.lua &>/dev/null & xtdesk.sh fi if egrep -qv lowram /proc/cmdline 2>/dev/null; then # dillo /usr/share/doc/dsl/getting_started.html &>/dev/null & mydsl-load /tmp/xmahjongg.uci mydsl-load /tmp/firefox-2.0-gtk1.uci mydsl-load /tmp/conky.uci LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/conky/lib /opt/conky/bin/conky &>/dev/null &
torsmo 2>/dev/null & fi export PATH="/opt/fluxbox_0.9.14/bin:$PATH" case $DESKTOP in fluxbox ) # fluxter &>/dev/null & wmswallow -geometry 70x80 docked docked.lua & exec /opt/fluxbox_0.9.14/bin/fluxbox 2>/dev/null ;; jwm ) ./.background sleep 2 exec jwm 2>/dev/null ;; * ) exec /opt/fluxbox_0.9.14/bin/fluxbox 2>/dev/null ;; esac
dsl 4.0rc5
# put X windows programs that you want started here. # Be sure to add at the end of each command the &
KEYTABLE="$(getknoppixparam.lua KEYTABLE)" DESKTOP="$(getoption.lua $HOME/.desktop wm)" ICONS="$(getoption.lua $HOME/.desktop icons)" rootMenu.lua "$DESKTOP"
xset +fp /opt/fonts/artwiz-aleczapka
umix -lf .umix 2>/dev/null
[ -f .mouse_config ] && sh .mouse_config &
# For non-US Keyboards if [ ${KEYTABLE:0:2} != "us" ]; then xmodmap -e "clear Mod4" -e "add Mod5 = Mode_switch" & fi
if [ "$ICONS" == "dfm" ]; then /usr/bin/dfm & else # for x in `ls -1 .xtdesktop/*.hide 2>/dev/null`; do rm -f ${x%.*}; done # iconsnap.lua &>/dev/null & xsri --scale-width=100 --scale-height=100 /usr/share/dfm/backgrounds/lance-blue.xpm fi if egrep -qv lowram /proc/cmdline 2>/dev/null; then # dillo /usr/share/doc/dsl/getting_started.html &>/dev/null &
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/conky/lib /opt/conky/bin/conky &>/dev/null &
# torsmo 2>/dev/null & fi export PATH="/opt/fluxbox_0.9.14/bin:$PATH" case $DESKTOP in fluxbox ) # fluxter -w &>/dev/null & exec /opt/fluxbox_0.9.14/bin/fluxbox 2>/dev/null ;; jwm ) exec jwm 2>/dev/null ;; swm ) xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr exec swm 2>/dev/null ;; * ) exec /opt/fluxbox_0.9.14/bin/fluxbox 2>/dev/null ;; esac
Now i put the mydsl-load-commands too to bootlocal.sh, because when i restart fluxbox, then the ucis are unmounted. In 3.3 i had the same problem.
Could you tell me, why fluxbox_0.9.14 is not loaded.