
Group: Awaiting Authorisation
Posts: 18
Joined: May 2006 |
Posted: Dec. 04 2007,22:36 |
Thanx for your quick reply,
You said, normal extensions should still load and should still show up in DSL4.x, as they are just files. => Yes, true, they do, but not these kernel-source files...
Even in DSL 3 you should not load linux-kernel-headers.dsl: => OK, this was my fault, please forget it.
Get the new kernel source in [download mirror]/current/kernel (I don't think there's a headers-only package yet) or - but it is not a mydsl extension.
=> Well, thats exactly the point: There are (at this moment) no kermel-source and kernel-header file available as DSL-EXTENSIONS for DSL 4.x. Those which are available work only with 3.x. As I said before, I tried these which are available and they dont work with 4.x.
So my wishes are: 1. Please could anyone make the correct source- and header-files for DSL 4.x available as DSL-extensions so that compiling modules is possible? They should be present somewhere, maybe with "roberts"? 2. And please specify the correct DSL-version in the MyDSL download repository names, e.g kernel-headers-3.x.dsl or kernel-headers-4.x.dsl.
That would be a great help for those who need kernel-modules. If I myself accomplish to compile modules for DSL4.x I will make them available via DSL wiki (wireless cards) as I did before for DSL 3.x.