
Group: Members
Posts: 115
Joined: June 2005 |
Posted: Sep. 09 2007,03:52 |
OK, I am awake again.
Still working through this issue.
Here are snippets of code from the 'make' output, with and without the library option.
More info: extraction from the make output with the --with-gd
g++ -g -O2 -L/opt/gnuplot/lib -o gnuplot alloc.o axis.o breaders.o bitmap.o color.o command.o contour.o datafile.o dynarray.o eval.o fit.o gadgets.o getcolor.o graph3d.o graphics.o help.o hidden3d.o history.o internal.o interpol.o matrix.o misc.o mouse.o parse.o plot.o plot2d.o plot3d.o pm3d.o readline.o save.o scanner.o set.o show.o specfun.o standard.o stdfn.o tables.o term.o time.o unset.o util.o util3d.o variable.o version.o -lreadline -lncurses -lz -lgd - ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lm
extraction from the make output without the --with-gd
g++ -g -O2 -o gnuplot alloc.o axis.o breaders.o bitmap.o color.o command.o contour.o datafile.o dynarray.o eval.o fit.o gadgets.o getcolor.o graph3d.o graphics.o help.o hidden3d.o history.o internal.o interpol.o matrix.o misc.o mouse.o parse.o plot.o plot2d.o plot3d.o pm3d.o readline.o save.o scanner.o set.o show.o specfun.o standard.o stdfn.o tables.o term.o time.o unset.o util.o util3d.o variable.o version.o -lreadline -lncurses -lz -lm
I was wondering if maybe the library command was not correct, maybe it should be
g++ -g -O2 LDFLAGS=-L/opt/gnuplot/lib -o gnuplot alloc.o axis.o breaders.o ect..
rather than g++ -g -O2 -L/opt/gnuplot/lib -o gnuplot alloc.o axis.o breaders.o etc..
Thanks Phil