Jason W

Group: Members
Posts: 260
Joined: Nov. 2006 |
Posted: May 06 2008,03:09 |
Hi meo, It is also in the DSL book but here it is. The way to make a .uci into a .tar.gz is basically the same as making a program installed into /opt into a .tar.gz. With the gtk extension loaded, in a terminal:
# cd / # find opt/gtk+-2.12.9 -not -type d > /tmp/gtk.list
then edit the /tmp/gtk.list to contain any other files you want in the tarball. Make the right permissions (not really needed at this point for the extension though):
# chown -R 0.0 /{opt/,tmp/} # chown -R 1001.50 /home/dsl/ # chown 1001.50 /tmp/mydsl.menu/gtk+-2.12.9
Create the .tar.gz:
# tar -C / -T /tmp/gtk.list -czvf /tmp/gtk+-2.12.9.tar.gz
Unload the uci or reboot, and load the gtk+-2.12.9.tar.gz and then you can load the -dev extension.
Hope this helps