Jason W

Group: Members
Posts: 260
Joined: Nov. 2006 |
Posted: Mar. 25 2007,04:36 |
Gtk-theme-switch can sometimes prevent Firefox from loading. Not often, but twice thus far. There shouldn't be any conflicting libraries or clobbering directories since the extension does not update any libraries or packages in the DSL base, but on a couple of occasions the extension has prevented Firefox from starting back up. But all other GTK1 apps seem to work ok with it. I will look into it more. Maybe a quirk in the original Woody packages themselves, but I will try to find the cause. Until then, use with (mild) caution.
Update: Gtk-gnutella died suddenly when I moved the scrollbar with the crux theme, and it was running fine for 16 days straight. But gtk-theme-switch was also installed for 16 days, and was working fine for that time. The Firefox issue was with another machine and did not happen on this one. Not to complain, but just want to share possibe issues with the theme switch extension. I have noticed this is usually with the crux theme. Again, I will look into it.
Update #2: Offending theme is Crux. It causes these issues and more. Step is also a useless theme, as it has issues of it's own. Will rebuild the package after further testing shows that this is the root cause and cure.