
Group: Members
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Joined: July 2004 |
Posted: Oct. 24 2005,19:20 |
Multiple Sets Of MyDSL Packages Means Multiple Systems
We all know the usefulness of myDSL packages autoloading into your DSL setup, and specifying different partitions for mydsl during boot allows you to boot with different combinations of apps. Going one step further, you can organize your application sets into subdirectories and use that directory on the boot line instead of using a different partition for every set of applications.
Using either of these methods, you may run into the issue of "what do I do if I want one or more apps to install in more than one of these combos?". You could make copies of the myDSL packages and put them into each of your myDSL locations...but that can quickly fill up your disks, particularly with larger packages. So, fortunately in Linux we have symlinks, which can be used in practically any situation including this one. Using symlinks you can put all of your myDSL packages into one directory, such as /cdrom/optional, and symlink them to individual directories. For example, if you have a "games" collection, and an "xfree" collection, but want XFree86.dsl in both, make a directory called /cdrom/games and one called /cdrom/xfree. Then symlink to /cdrom/optiona/XFree86.dsll from those two directories: ln -s ../optional/XFree86.dsl /cdrom/games/XFree86.dsl ln -s ../optional/XFree86.dsl /cdrom/xfree/XFree86.dsl Using the relative path in the link allows you transfer them later to other partitions or media where "/cdrom" might not apply. Now you have XFree86 loading with both sets of apps, without having to use a full copy of the package in both directories. Loading them during boot is as simple as changing the "mydsl=" option. For "games" you'd use "mydsl=xxx/games", where "xxx" is the boot partition.
-------------- http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html