
Group: Members
Posts: 798
Joined: Sep. 2005 |
Posted: June 09 2007,21:08 |
Guess we still have a doc problem.
This is from Saidin's notes in the old wiki and is about repacking a uci - I don't know if it's still there. You need to adapt it a bit to make a uci from scratch. In your case you're half way there since I don't think you need a user.tar.gz (no menu or icon).
Replace /opt/firefox in the following with /opt/xorg72.
Instead of steps 8 and 9, put any files and their directories that need to be written to writeable areas of the filesystem (/home/dsl, /opt (other than in xorg72), /tmp) such as menus or icons in the work/firefox/user directory, and make a list with eg:
cd user find -type f >list
To change/update a UCI file do the following: (example here is firefox.uci) 1. mount the uci as normal 2. mkdir work 3. cd work 4. cp -a /opt/firefox/. 5. cd firefox 6. mkdir user 7. cd user 8. tar -zxvf ../user.tar.gz 9. tar -ztf ../user.tar.gz > list 10. -- now edit the actual files as needed -- 11. -- be sure to edit/update the "list" 12. tar -T list --numeric-owner --no-recursion -czvf ../user.tar.gz 13. cd .. 14. rm -rf user 15. cd .. 16. mkisofs -R -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad firefox/|create_compressed_fs - 65536 > ../firefox.uci 17. cd .. 20. rm -rf work (Thanks to Robert Shingledecker)