
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: April 2006 |
Posted: April 11 2006,02:47 |
Hi all; I'm new to this forum (so perhaps somethings are already mentioned elsewhere here) - but I'm a huge fan of about:config for customizing Firefox, Mozilla, and yes, even Epiphany (GNOME based on Mozilla)...
I'm using DSL v1.1(acccording to "Dillo") and FF v0.9.1 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040630 Firefox/0.9.1
If you want all flashing/rotating "images" (such as animated GIFs) to stop, do this; type image in the "Filter" bar once you load about:config in a separate tab -- whatever search term you put into the "Filter" box, will help you narrow down your choice settings, and make finding these/those specific settings easier.
notice this setting; image.animation_mode change "normal" to "none" 
Here's some more changes I do to ALL my FF/Moz browsers; middlemouse.paste = false
middlemouse.contentLoadURL = false # Already Posted by Humpty
middlemouse.openNewWindow = false
type in the Filter box; dom.disable... EVERY setting (16 of them) that starts with *dom.disable* ONLY - should be set to true
This overrides ALL the stupid JavaScript in web pages ( from Windows/Tabs/Clicks that Javascript opened) that do NOT allow you to * Resize the window * Toolbars = missing * Menu bar = missing * Right click to gain access to Context menu = Unable * Minimize = missing * Scrollbars = missing etc, etc, etc
I personally turn OFF all the Java and Javascript anyway (in the GUI) -- but there are many that are not located in the GUI --> Edit | Preferences | Advanced | Javascript | Advanced (you'll notice there are only 5 there - whereas in about:config, there's 16 of them. I tried to take a screenshot just now, to illustrate which ones the GUI allows you to disable, but it's not working too well t the moment...anyway, I'll surely add more, as I return, and get this DSL configured correctly.