
Group: Members
Posts: 129
Joined: May 2007 |
Posted: April 01 2008,21:07 |
... i dont like discussions like these, in the end everybody is angry at eachother. lets restart this topic ...
Ok, i've written a base for a wget gui, it's "released" under the gpl2 license. Please be so kind to help to make this app better.
For now, this is the code:
Code Sample | #!/bin/lua -- Written by Jaap Broekhuizen aka Jaapz -- This script is released under the terms of the GPL2 License
-- aswg.lua --- A Simple Wget Gui written in murgaLua
prefix = os.getenv("HOME").."/"
--Main w = fltk:Fl_Window(300,110,"ASWG for DSL") w:callback( function(w) os.exit(0) end)
text = fltk:Fl_Box(135,5,30,30,"Fill in the URL of the file you want to download.")
urlInput = fltk:Fl_Input(5,35,290,30) urlInput:value("http://")
okBtn = fltk:Fl_Return_Button(5,75,50,25,"Ok") okBtn:callback( function(okBtn) url = urlInput:value() os.execute("aterm +tr -geometry 80x4 -e wget --directory-prefix=" ..prefix.. " " ..url) end)
closeBtn = fltk:Fl_Button(60,75,50,25,"Close") closeBtn:callback( function(closeBtn) os.exit(0) end)
optionsBtn = fltk:Fl_Button(115,75,60,25,"Options") optionsBtn:callback( function(optionsBtn) optionsw = fltk:Fl_Window(300,110,"Options")
preftext = fltk:Fl_Box(135,5,30,30,"Target Directory:") prefixval = fltk:Fl_Input(5,35,290,30) prefixval:value(prefix)
applyBtn = fltk:Fl_Button(100,75,100,25,"Apply") applyBtn:callback( function(applyBtn) prefix = prefixval:value() optionsw:hide() end)
optionsw:show() end)
helpBtn = fltk:Fl_Button(245,75,50,25,"Help") helpBtn:callback( function(helpBtn) fltk:fl_message([[A Simple Wget GUI, written in murgaLua.
The files will be automatically downloaded to your home directory, unless otherwise specified. Click on the "Options" button to edit the options.]]) end)
w:show() Fl:run()