
Group: Members
Posts: 10
Joined: Oct. 2007 |
Posted: June 12 2008,21:29 |
Iam Ananda Kammampati (username "blogananda" at DSL forums) and I would like to introduce StudentOS™ - a remastered DSL4.0 but, with Linux 2.4.35 kernel built with LIRC module.
Now why does the world need yet another remastered Linux you might ask. Fair question and I dont have a convincing answer :-) But I have shared my thoughts on creation of StudentOS™ and different "Editions" of it on my website.
Having done with the creation of StudentOS™, for which I have documented to my best at :
I then went ahead and did something that the creators of DSL and it's community would hate to see someone doing it for DSL. which is "bloating" the distro and going against it's phylosophy of keeping it small.
So, before I get flame emails :-) just wanted clarify that my intial plan is to work extensively on DSL-N (2.6 kernel). But since I couldn't get the development tools working on DSL-N (atleast when I looked into it last time), I eventually ended up spending more time on DSL, creating StudentOS™ and different Editions based on it, with each bundled with a different set of Opensource applications.
You are absolutely welcome to download, install them and play with them all.
For now, please bear with the ugly (but harmless) error messages that will be thrown at bootup time (exception - StudentOS™-Basic Edition). I'll take care of them in their next cut/release.The error messages will appear only when it is booted from CDROM. Once you install them on the hardrive (Press F3 at boot prompt and enter "install"), things should be fine.
Clicking on each Edition of StudentOS™ listed under>Documentation-->StudentOS-->Editions
should popup a browser (or a tab in your browser) showing step-by-step instructions in building all the softwares listed under that particular Edition.
I sincerely hope the documentations that I have provided will save a lot of trouble for anyone out there who love DSL and who would like to install different Opensource software on DSL. (The website is slow and it might be annoying. But I'll fix it)
I welcome you to sign-in the guestbook with your thoughts and suggestions :-) You can also reach me at :
Thanks a million to Robert and John for making DSL and also writing an excellent book on it!
Learn, Educate, Share! Ananda Kammampati
Here is the list of Opensource softwares that I could build on DSL.
CMS Edition ----------- Joomla Mambo Drupal Websitebaker
CRM Edition ----------- SugarCRM vTiger
ERP Edition ----------- Opentaps Openbravo PostgreSQL
Twiki Edition ------------- Mediawiki Twiki wiki Docuwiki Moin Moin
Forum Edition ------------- phpBB Phorum
Server Edition -------------- SAMBA OpenLDAP Webmin
Streaming Edition ----------------- VLC MPlayer Slimserver Icecast Streaming Server Live555 Streaming Server
eCommerce Edition ----------------- Zencart osCommerce
Web Publishing Edition ---------------------- Wordpress Gallery Moodle phpgedview webcalendar
Support Tracking Edition ------------------------ Request Tracker Bugzila Mantis OTRS
Systems Mgmt. Edition --------------------- Nagios Webmin
Document Mgmt. Edition ---------------------- KnowledgeTree dotproject Projectpier