Posted: Sep. 22 2005,09:40 |
@ B@se first of all thank you very much for your answer. To your points now:
- security: yes and no; yes, because our school is literally infected by virus, so that students using win regularly come to me in order to get their computer cleaned, what also means for me and for them a lot of hours lost; with dsl, you are out off such a problem (so far...); no, because I don't want that students stop using winxp (actually, they also have this possibility when they log in as guest); so, I would like for them to use dsl because it is a little, secure and very mobile system with all the stuff you need, which you can carry on with you and use in every environnment you'd like; so, it is true that I am making a kind of "sweet propaganda" for dsl; more seriously, I would like my students to use dsl-embedded regarding the limitations of our hardware (my post from yesterday) and in order for them to keep space left on their usb-stick when working f.ex. at home on another system (win or mac), which enables them to also use the usb-key as conventional flash disk;
- linux knowledge with dsl: you are right, I find dsl incredible easy to use and have a lot of fun with it; but this is not the opinion of our students after a first test; usual questions are "where is the start button?", "how can I get it shutdown?", "I don't want this application, how can I uninstall it?", "why dsl doesn't save my data?", all questions that have precise and helpfull answers in dsl-forum; now, you have to read the threads out of the forum, and that's already too much for our students (I apologize for them); this is billy ideological performativity: when you always work with win, it is not possible for you to imagine other people not working with win, i.e. working with other OS... already mac is mars for such kids (however, they are all between 20-25 yo, computer generation they said...).
- your solution: "completely running dsl as separate OS directly from the thumbdrive"; I gave it a try today, but without success = USB-HDD as first boot in BIOS (sequence: USB-HDD, CD-R, HDD; we only have USB-HDD as Usb-boot function) and USB key plugged in computer, starting computer, running, xp winlogon window... USB-Key is San Cruzer mini 256 Mo. I guess, win mount USB *late* in the boot process, so that the computer switch on CD and finally on HDD. Actually, this is the reason why I imagine a possible boot of dsl after a winxp boot in order to only use win to mount the USB-Stick and to enable the functionality of Qemu. If so, then it is perhaps possible to do the same with mac, and so to enables a lot of users the use of dsl as dsl-embedded on every systems you want wihout need of beeing ""inside"" win or mac.
But at the moment, I stuck in front of billy doors... yours Z