
Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: Mar. 2005 |
Posted: Mar. 23 2005,03:14 |
DSL Embedded Notes:
1) dd of=harddisk2 bs=1024 seek=60000 count=0
This will create a virtual harddrive image of 60MB
2) It will need to be added as a drive. So fire up vi on the file. add an entry like '-hdd qemu/harddisk2' You will want to use hdd as opposed to hdc which is assigned as the cdrom
3) Then you will need to be in the dsl image ./
4) In the Virtual Machine, the virtual drive will need to be fdisked, sudo fdisk /dev/hdd
5) Also in the Virtual Machine, the virtual drive will need to have a filesystem sudo mke2fs /dev/hdd1
6) VM: create the mount point sudo /mnt/hdd1
7) VM:Now you have a drive you can mount sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1
You can now do things like add files onto the mount. I have the mount command set in my /opt/ file so that I can auto access these files without the need to mount. In addition I set up symlinks to the mount so that I can use the files on the mount without problems.
ln -s /mnt/hdd1/opt/program /opt/program
Add these links to your /home/dsl/filetools.lst and they will reappear upon reboot if you have the mount command set in the /opt/