Posted: July 01 2005,02:03 |
I just experimented this today on Windows 2000 and was looking for more information. I was able to mount and read/write to a drive using "qemu -hda \\.\d:" (well, along with all the other arguments and such... it may also work in linux with -hda /dev/hd1 or similar...).
I was able to install Windows XP on it, restart the drive, and boot up Windows XP. However, it seems to (and I'm guessing here) treat the drive as an img file, since when I try to view the drive in Windows Explorer, the drive shows as unpartitioned.
So it seems like it would be possible to modify qemu to write to the drive normally, if someone who knew how to do it wanted to work on it... this feature might even be in development (this was the first site I stumbled across, so I haven't researched it too thoroughly yet...).
Tried doing the same thing in dsl (since this is a dsl forum) but I'm not familiar with linux, so I couldn't figure out how to mount the drive from inside qemu/dsl...