
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: April 2007 |
Posted: April 17 2007,21:51 |
Hello, whell I'm really newbie in dsl but I want to learn all I can, so,
first I download dsl2.4 embedded and follow the instructions in this url: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/wiki....h_Drive
ok, but when I plug my usb in debian and in windows xp I must to execute the file dsl-windows.bat or dsl-linux.sh to execute dsl, but "i want that when I plug my usb dsl start automatically" is that possibly?
years ago, I use a kind of embedded windows call Bart-PE, when I just put the CD into the CD-ROM the PART-PE loads automatically. I believed that dsl will work in a kind of way.
I like to work in flux-box or console mode automatically when I plug my usb drive, is this possible?
thanks all, see yo