
Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: July 18 2004,16:51 |
This is the kind of feedback I'm looking for. (not always bad news, but it's better than NO news ! )
I just used the mydsl-menu icon on the desktop to download it onto my box. Download successful, with both icon and menu option available.
Try this...
Reboot fram a DSL cd, and get to the desktop. Use as few options as possible. ( no mydsl= or restore= options, just the basic pristine DSL desktop, enhance or dma is OK )
Download and install gimp using the mydsl-menu, or use wget to get it from the repository, and use the emelfm mydsl button to install the download. See if the gimp works for you now.. If so, then the problem lies elsewhere. This may be a case where one extension you have loaded is a "bad apple" Finding which one is the bad one is the challenge. Here's a few things to check..
Reboot back into your usual DSL, the one where gimp failed. Use a shell to examine the contents of your .xtdesktop with the "ls-al" command. Make sure that all of the .lnk and .png/.jpg/.gif files are owned by damnsmall.staff (dsl.staff in 0.7.2) , and the perms are 644 (-rw-r--r--) If not, change them.. Also try the "chmod 777 /tmp" command posted elsewhere in the forums.. This should have your desktop in good order.
Another thing I check for is perms/owners inside the extension. Try this... "sudo su" to root, and make a dir called "work" under /home/dsl/. Copy your gimp1_20.dsl to this work dir....if you used mydsl-menu, you'll find the file in your /tmp dir. Open the gimp using "tar -zxvf gimp1_20.dsl" , and then "ls-al" to see that you now have 5 dirs.. /etc /home /lib /tmp /usr . cd to tmp (often /var/tmp is used ) and run "ls-alR" to look down into tmp. You will see that the owner of the gimp1_20.dsl file in the dir is damnsmall.staff (dsl.staff) This is important. Next, do the same thing for the /home dir. Both gimp.lnk and gimp.gif should be damnsmall.staff (dsl.staff). They also have -rw-r--r-- permissions. This should be a tight, right extension, which has minimal invasion to the base DSL distro desktop.
One other thing to check for in the extension is BASE dirs in the .dsl file Try this.. "tar -ztf gimp1_20.dsl > gimp.txt" ... Now open the gimp.txt file with your favorite editor.. Notice that there are no base directories in the list. ( /etc /lib /usr /usr/lib /tmp /var /var/tmp ..etc.. ) Having these inside the .dsl file can wig out a LiveCD install, and KILL a HDInstall.., often they are damnsmall.staff, when they should NOT BE THERE AT ALL.
This is exactly my reason for rebuilding so many of the extensions lately. I have yet to tackle the "testing_area" , as my focus so far has been the extensions in the main area. What I find frequently is that a contribution needs a little "sweetening" to make it as "linux friendly" as possible, without overwriting anything in the BASE DSL .iso image. This causes the permission/owners problems you are seeing. Please check with the repository page, and redownload ANY extensions you like to use, as chances are that I have rebuilt it within the last few days or weeks.
Also, please share with us what kind of install you were using when the gimp failed on you, and what other extensions you had loaded in your OS at that time.
73 ke4nt