
Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: June 05 2004,03:26 |
I have completed the "quake2.dsl" file.
It DOES NOT include the game and map files.. Even the shareware version single .pak file is larger than the entire DSL compressed .iso file.
Install the quake2.dsl file however you wish. Adding to /optional, or mydsl-load works fine.
You will need a source for game/map data. Download the shareware version, and use the gnu-utils.dsl package to unzip the self-executable.
Grab the */install/baseq2/pak0.pak file, and copy it to /usr/lib/games/quake2/baseq2/ directory as root.
Or, use the CD version, and again, copy the pak*.pak files to the */baseq2/ directory as root user.
John should have it available in the repository shortly.
[EDIT] We're havin' quite a bit of fun here fraggin 3 way :-) An old Athlon 900, Dual 933/1073 P3, P3-500 @ 640x480 [/EDIT]
Enjoy ! :-)
73 ke4nt