
Group: Members
Posts: 155
Joined: Dec. 2003 |
Posted: Aug. 02 2004,18:19 |
Didn't get to this over the weekend so I retested this morning on the same machine as before, 2.4GHz 1GB ram Gateway. OK, revised testing methodology. I retested any previously reported non-working DSL files after a reboot. So I have more working DSLs to report. I will just make a list of the ones I tested and results and any notes I made.
Working: Abiword, Ace of Penguins, ayttm, BitchX (cmd line), bittorrent (cmd line), circuslinux, doom, dsl-dpkg (far as I could tell), dsl-xjig, gcombust, gcompris (it did freeze after 3 wrong answers and had to be killed), giftui, gimp1_2, gnu-utils (I updated on 7/30 and checked in /bin to find std gnu tools there), gps, gtkam, gv, icewm-blue, icewm (after exiting and startx ice), kjvbible, lgames, linpsk, mathwar, mplayer, nessus, nmap, Open Office, Penguin Command, ptbr (this one I know worked because it changed my keymap), rox filer, samba, scite, tcltk8.3, toppler, tuxpaint, tuxtype, twlog, whitebox, xastir, xbill, xephem, xgalaga, xgammon, xine, xmame, xmule, xpat2, xpen, xpuyopuyo, ymess, blue theme (I would change the name of the pkg to match what it puts in themes menu, AlmostX or rename the theme something else), copperwine-theme (very cool), perfect blue theme, dsl-aterm, firefox (in tar.gz format), j2re1.4.2, oouser (couldn't really tell what it does, by itself it adds non-working icons to desktop, without it, OO.0 still runs), pente, python2.3, winspace-theme, xbubble, xmahjongg.
Possibly working: barrage (exits after launch, from CLI I get an error about no avail sound device. I did see my sound device listed on boot, i810 audio), freebirth (same problem as barrage, icon launchs it and it exits, from CLI I get audio error), nessusd (stuff is placed in /usr/bin, but when I try to start it I get message about /home/dsl/.tmp being required. I was unable to create a file or directory by this name. I may be doing something wrong. I tried to use touch to create a .tmp file), quake2 (I get the menu item and icon, but nothing happens, do I need Quake2 files on my PC or on the CD? I have Q2 around my house somewhere.), ruby (it installs in /usr/bin, but I have no way to test.), sox-12.17.3 (I tried this from menu and CLI. From CLI I get a very vague useage line, I have no idea what this module does or how to use it.), vba (seems OK from CLI, but I have no files to run it with), wavemon (seems OK, but I still did not get to test in my laptop w/ wifi card), wv (seems to install fine in /usr/bin, but I didn't convert any files with it), oouser (see above), php ( I don't have anyway to see if it works, is this for a webserver add-on? I'm assuming that it adds the PHP libs for building webpages and serving)
Definitely not working: amsn (loads in menu and icon, but doesn't launch. At one point the CPU went to and stayed at 100% because of this module.), t-bird, x-chat, xscreensaver (creates menu item, but doesn't launch. From CLI it gives: error loading shared libs, can't open), ff (this is the compressed image, It puts an icon down, but it won't launch. I don't see the advantage of doing this over the .tar.gz file which does work.), xvc (have no idea about this module, it does nothing), ion2 (I thought this was another window manager, but I was unable to start it like I could iceWM.)
Other problems: icewm (after you switch to this wm, you no longer have the mydsl menu item)
If you want more info let me know. I have other stuff to report in the 0.7.3 plain section, this is just about the DSL modules. Overall, I was surprised at how many worked. I actually tested stuff I have no plans on using, I just wanted to help out on a beefy machine. If t-bird and xchat and possibly Quake2 get working, then I'd be very happy. I still need to test this on my laptop. I am going to blow away Knoppix 3.4 for DSL 0.7.3. Sorry if this is too long or short, but it is the only way.
-------------- ripcrd6 ---------------- Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.