
Group: Members
Posts: 1428
Joined: Mar. 2004 |
Posted: Aug. 15 2004,00:03 |
this is supposed to be and experiment, as well as a demonstration of how well the store works. at the end, when i get my stuff, i'll put together a wrap-up type review.
hopefully this wll make people buy more stuff. ;)
8/14/04 - 6:40 PM CDT
finally got the fundage together to order a CF to IDE adapter - $19.95 in the DSL store. coolness.
got on the store (using links, cause my connection is hella slow) and ordered it.
the buying process was absolutely painless, as was the shipping/billing info input.
(and i actually typed it all correctly the first try wow )
got to the reciept page which said: Thanks! Your order has been processed! Your order# is : XXXX35
wow! that was easy.
so i look around a bit for a place to put in this number, and, IT'S NOT THERE!!!
so i think to myself, maybe they send a link to my email (i typed that right the first time too ^_^ i checked!) and nothing.
needless to say, i'm a little preturbed that there is no place for me to do ANYTHING with my order number.
well, i guess i'll find out what actually happens as i go along...
-J.P. SaidinUnleashed
PS - If anyone else knows what to do with the order number, please put it here. I'm not overtly worried, but there are paranoid people who would probably like to know. ;)
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