
Group: Awaiting Authorisation
Posts: 44
Joined: June 2006 |
Posted: Mar. 09 2007,04:17 |
Mikshaw was right,my post was a little exaggerated. Yet, I do find it kinda of worrysome that there needs to be a no ipod/cellphone law for pedestrians. People are gonna get hit etherway. There is allways someone daydreaming and not paying attention(or is that just my problem while walking around lol)people need to always pay attention to there surroundings(this goes for the drivers to)Yes I have bee guilty a few times myself when crossing the street. If I get hit its my own fault. Well,the main reason for this account is because of something I overheard,and yes I admit it I read that article about the hacker son.Has anyone here read it?If not they probably died laughing! I almost did. While I myself do not have a "horror story"yet,does anyone else have one?