
Group: Members
Posts: 4983
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: July 13 2007,22:24 |
Seems to me, that we have already had this discussion.
It is not fair to compare a 2.6 kernel, gtk2 distribution, of any kind, and the applications offered therein, with a 2.4 kernel, gtk1 system like DSL.
If you want/need the latest applications and don't mind the bloat and your computer can handle it, then there are many, last count over 500, linux distributions for you to choose from. Please stop the 2.6 gtk2 comparisions.
Additionally, I tried the DSL-N (2.6/gtk2) route with no Debian and no gtk1. All I got has gripes about not being Debian compatible. Even thought it was never claimed to be. I got much grief because users tried to load gtk1 extensions and of course would not work. I got complaints because no syslinux boot floppy version, and on and on.
Based on these experiences...
I conducted a poll, on the direction of DSL and a newer 2.4 kernel was decided. Realize many things have moved to 2.6 kernel and therefore compiling the latest may remain as issue. I have already run into that with compiling some of the additional non-kernel modules.
Again, it is a matter of what works, what is smallest versus the latest and the inheirt bloat. DSL has always chosen the smaller and what works. DSL supports many smaller memory limited machines.
I realize that I cannot please everyone. With the soon to be released alpha of DSL 4, I have tried to make DSL easier to use with a totally new UI and sporting a 2.4.34 kernel. Many changes throughout. During the alpha cycle, I will likely release with different default configurations. I will do this to showcase the areas that have changed the most.
I am sure there will be some who will hate it and some who will love it. It may take some time to get used to it. And for some, they will see no change at all. It depends on how you run DSL. DSL has always been about offering many choices. And it shall remain so I am not planning on deprecating any of the major functions in DSL.
So goes the life of a developer. Much work. Little thanks; and even less pay