
Group: Members
Posts: 26
Joined: Jan. 2004 |
Posted: Feb. 10 2004,20:31 |
Here's the changelog...
============================================================================= Dillo project =============================================================================
dillo-0.8.0 [Feb 08, 2003]
- * Added a right-mouse-button popup for images! Patch: Frank de Lange, Eric Gaudet, Jorge Arellano - * Made main document window grab focus on startup, fullwindow, and after open url (BUG#330) * Set Ctrl-U to focus the location entry, Ctrl-R to reload, and Ctrl-H to hide controls. Patches: Johan Hovold, Jorge Arellano, Stephan Goetter - * Added a missing handler for broken-connection condition. Patch: Jorge Arellano, Phil Pennock - * Introduced a new way of handling dillo plugins! Now the communications and managing is done by a daemon: dpid. This comes with a lot of advantages described in Dpid.txt. Patch: Programming: Ferdi Franceschini; Design: Jorge Arellano - * Wrote documentation for dpid (Dpid.txt). * Removed a memory leak in Get_line(). Patches: Jorge Arellano, Ferdi Franceschini - * Developed a plugin for downloads. It uses wget and can handle several connections at the same time. * Developed stress tests for both dpid and the downloads dpi. Patches: Ferdi Franceschini - * Adapted dpi.c to manage plugins through dpid. * Improved the incoming dpi-stream processing to accept images from a dpi. * Added/updated lots of dpi-related comments. * Updated the dpi1 spec. * Removed the forced end-to-end reload that was set upon dpis. Now, dpi-generated pages can be cached. * Made dillo able to handle multiple plugins (still lacks a dynamic API) * Wrote bare bones plugins for handling: FTP and HTTPS. * Wrote an example plugin: HELLO --kind of "Hello world". * Made all the bindings to make it work (fully commented). * Added code for automatical and non-blocking dpid start! * Added an extensible secondary URL convenience for popup menus. * Attached the image popup to the link menu (when the link is an image). * Removed a memory leak in the selection code (commands.c). * Cleaned up memory handling when reusing the GioChannel for IPv6. * Removed a race-condition-polling-CPU-hog bug in IO! (hairy... ;) * Adapted the generic parser to make HTML error detection, providing the line number and a hint (expected tag) in the error message! * Added a bug-meter button that shows the count of detected HTML errors (left click shows the errors, right click offers a validation menu). * Added information about optional, required and forbidden end tags. * Modified the parser's handling of closing tags to account for elements with an optional close tag, and for more accurate diagnosis messages. * Added 'use_old_parser' option to dillorc (boolean). * Fixed the handling of HEAD and BODY elements to account for their double optional condition (both open and close tags are optional). * Added the MSG() macro to msg.h and replaced g_print() with it. * Added the "show_msg" dillorc option to disable MSG(). * Increased the number of warning messages reported by gcc. * Solved a lot of signed/unsigned problems. * Made the necessary cleanups/bug-removals for the new warning level. * Connected the dpi stream to the cache using the CCC! * Fixed the cache API by introducing the new call a_Capi_get_buf(). * Fixed a race condition and a multiple request problem. * Cleaned up the code for the progressbar widgets. * Standarized unix domain sockets with AF_LOCAL for portability. * Minor cleanups for a smooth compile on older systems (libc5). * Fixed the handling of P element for the HTML nesting checks. * Set Ctrl-B for bookmarks shortcut (instead of Alt-B). Patches: Jorge Arellano - * Enhanced the speed of the actual selection of text. * Added command line option --debug-rendering. * Added "button_sensitive" attribute to DwWidget, which is needed to make <BUTTON>'s accessable at all. (They were inaccessable since the introduction of text selection!) * Changed behaviour of DwButton, see NOTE at beginning of dw_button.c. * Added "collapsing margins" to DwPage. * Added CSS "list-style-type" and "display" equivalents to DwStyle, changed definition of "font", replaced "nowrap" by "white-space", and renamed "link" to "x_link". * DwBullet now uses DwStyle for the bullet type, made necessary changes in HTML parser. * Changed DwStyleLength, now only pixel values and percentages are supported. (For CSS, anything else will be done elsewhere.) * Added word backgrounds to DwPage (not yet used.) * Added the possibility to clip widget drawings (new function p_Dw_widget_will_clip). * Made images showing the ALT text as long as no image data has been retrieved. * Cleaned up event handling and related code: "link_*" signals now return gboolean, and DwWidget events are signals. * Moved DwRectangle and related to dw.c. * Rewrote idle drawing, fixed BUG#202. * Removed p_Dw_widget_queue_clear*. * Added --enable-rtfl option to configure. * Fixed a bug in findtext (wrong highlighting). * Many changes in scrolling: added x coordinate (except for anchors), and DW_[VH]POS_INTO_VIEW position. Added x coordinate also to DilloUrl. Patches: Sebastian Geerken - * Fixed bug in DwImage::link_clicked signal. Patch: Stephan Goetter, Frank de Lange (simultaneously and independent :-) - * Fixed memory leak in Html_tag_open_isindex. * Added numerical keypad cursor keys navigation. * Changed return values of Dw event methods from gint to gboolean. * Cleaned up debug message generation by using glib wrappers. * Replaced DwStyle::SubSup by new DwStyleVAlignType values, and DwStyle::uline and DwPage::strike by new DwStyle::text_decorations. * Added new convenience macros DW_WIDGET_HEIGHT, DW_WIDGET_CONTENT_HEIGHT, and DW_WIDGET_CONTENT_WIDTH. (*)Added configure options to disable either: png, jpeg or gif. (*)Fixed configure.in for proper library linking for dpis and dpid. (*)Improved libpng detection. Patches: Jörgen Viksell - * Fixed wrong handling of coordinates in ISMAP and USEMAP images. * Added a hand-shaped cursor to input controls of type image. * Fixed a off-by-one memory leak in Dw(Ext)Iterator. * Fixed NULL result handling of p_Dw_widget_text_iterator() in DwBullet, DwHRuler and DwImage. * Made dpid/Makefile.am aware of $(DESTDIR). * Fixed wrong return value of a_Findtext_search for widget == NULL. Patches: Frank de Lange - * Fixed a bug in Dw cursor code. Patch: Frank de Lange, Sebastian Geerken - * Corrected marshal functions for DwWidget signals. Patch: Anders Gavare, Sebastian Geerken - * Added support for anchors using the "id" attribute (BUG#495). * Defined dillo's version-string in one place only: configure.in. Patch: Francis Daly - * Removed a segfault source with corrupted MIME types in HTTP (BUG#501). * Made SPAM-safe URLs aware of image buttons (BUG#508). Patch: Francis Daly, Jorge Arellano - * Added a web search dialog (with toolbar icon, shortcut: Ctrl-S). The search engine can be set in dillorc (defaults to google). Patch: Johan Hovold, Jorge Arellano - * Fixed a problem with libpng options detection (configure.in). Patch: Rubén Fernández -(*)Added "pthreads" (with an "s") detection to configure.in. Patch: Andreas Schweitzer - * Added the "-geometry" switch to the CLI. Patch: Jorge Arellano, Jan Dittmer