Gilbert Ashley

Group: Members
Posts: 51
Joined: Nov. 2003 |
Posted: Nov. 15 2003,08:34 |
I'm downloading 0.5 right now so will be migrating to that later today to see the changes. Other things I've noticed: Running live picks up my SCSI cdrom but after HD install aic7xxx doesn't work until I do a insmod, even though it shows up in lsmod listing. The dummy wvdial.conf template is messy. i still haven't figured out the right syntax so I use /usr/sbin/pppconfig instead and then pon/poff. Seems to work for others also, as I've helped a couple on this. I'll work on a patch to the fluxbox menu for that. I've used wvdial before and like it, but what's the right synatx for pap-secrets? I'll submit a patch for that or for the Debian pppconfig. Which would you prefer? Let me be the first to ask for less programs instead of more! I've seen some posts about redundancy and there is lots of it in the fdisk/cfdisk/parted category. Also many unused Debian and Knoppix scripts are left over. I've seen a request for more scripts to download and install things ala Firebird. This points up the need for a package manager. I'm new to Debian and so had never used dpkg or apt. The first time I tried it on DSL I broke my box! I use slackware and it does tar -xzvf *.tgz just like the Firebird script. Anyway, a universal script for installing tgz's might be the way to go. Then make packages available on the website for the extras like rdesktop, games,etc. The thing is that a basic installation should be easily extensible. A functional Browser, File Manager, Text editor and Internet access is all one needs to start. Then they can extend it the way they want. Browser: has anyone tried Browsex. It's a little more functional than Dillo and comes as a single binary and is quite small, 300-400K as I recall. File Manager. I;ve recently been trying out ROX-filer which is fast and slick and which can be extended with a desktop, editor and other stuff. In fact tthey are working on a ROX OS. Anyway it's very good but it needs libxml2 and libpix_buf at least. I'm going to work some more on patching that in to see what all it needs. I use vi, but don't expect beginners to do so. Nedit seems to be good for all.
Less software, but more modules, more libs and package management. I've replaced wmnet with wmppp but it always breaks after a few times. I'm going to try compiling yawmppp and patch that in- an elegant way to go online with just one click! Sorry if my posts get long, but how many million lines are in the Kernel, Headers, Bin-utils,gawk,make,and GCC, etc?