Add cups-pdf to hplip extensionForum: System Topic: Add cups-pdf to hplip extension started by: Juanito Posted by Juanito on Jan. 11 2008,13:33
I'd like to add a pdf-writer to the hplip extension as a cups backend. I believe OO will write pdf files, but this would allow all other dsl apps to make pdf files.Using this < script > I managed to get the pdf writer to work with hplip but it writes the pdf files to /export/share/pdf or fails because dsl does not recognise the user "guest" that cups/hplip somehow uses and this will not allow the pdf to be written to /home/guest. Would one of the dsl script gurus mind to modify the script appropriately (i.e. write to /home/dsl/pdf or similar) so I can add it to hplip? Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Jan. 11 2008,16:05
I assume you're talking about user guest with USERMODE=on ?
Posted by curaga on Jan. 11 2008,17:04
Aren't most programs able to do that already? By printing to PS and then using ps2pdf?
Posted by Juanito on Jan. 11 2008,17:53
I guess so, but I was thinking this was a neater way to do it...
Posted by curaga on Jan. 11 2008,18:30
![]() Posted by Juanito on April 08 2008,14:17
Now the new cups extension is out the door, I seem to be making some progress on having a "pdf printer" available in cups using cups-pdf.The pdf printer is automatically recognised by cups, the test page passes out of cups to cups-pdf, but appears to fail at the final hurdle due to some sort of permissions "issue". If I examine the cups error_log and cut & paste the gs command from the middle of all the yada-yada to a terminal window, it will convert a ps file to pdf. If I try to paste the output to the cups-pdf spooler it fails:
Note that my understanding of the normal process is that the print is spooled as a ps file in /var/spool/cups-pdf/SPOOL and then processed to /var/spool/cups-pdf/{user}/*.pdf Any ideas? Posted by Juanito on April 15 2008,09:51
As it turns out the whole problem was the gs/cups-pdf looks for /var/tmp to use for working files whereas dsl uses /tmp - aaaargh ![]() I'll add the now working cups-pdf printer to the cups-1.3.5 extension. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on April 15 2008,18:06
iirc, earlier versions of DSL had /tmp point to /var/tmp...but I guess you found a way to specify it (I was just wondering if it could be useful to add /var/tmp back in) Posted by Juanito on April 16 2008,03:41
- /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf allows you to set the gs tmp folder
- since dsl uses /tmp, it might be better that /var/tmp -> /tmp? Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on April 16 2008,07:51