UCI appsForum: Apps Topic: UCI apps started by: evil ataru Posted by evil ataru on July 19 2006,21:59
Hi, sorry if I'm such a noob: I'm using XDSL (should be DSL 2.3), and I cannot install UCI apps. Every time I try it says: "please mount media containing optional dir and try again", and the same things happens when I try ti reboot or shutdown. I tried everything, made "optional" directories everywhere, but nothing changed. Can you help me, please? Thank you! Posted by mikshaw on July 19 2006,22:17
Your partition containing the extension(s) may be in need of fscking, or the extension(s) may be corrupted or incomplete. There are probably other possibilities, but those are the only ones i've experienced that produce this message.
Posted by evil ataru on July 19 2006,23:10
The DSL version is 2.1, I don't believe is a corrupted file, cause is the same with every UCI file i download (and just with those, everything's rght with .dsl etc.).
Posted by kerry on July 20 2006,00:05
I'm assuming your using the mydsl icon to install the uci's, have you tried downloading it with the browser and then mounting it with the file manager? uci's-> < http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/damnsmall/mydsl/uci/ >
Posted by evil ataru on July 20 2006,00:23
Yes, but is right the same...
Posted by mikshaw on July 20 2006,01:01
Maybe try the X-DSL forums, since it's a fork of DSL and not supported here.
Posted by kerry on July 20 2006,01:06
I couldn't find a X-DSL forum for him to go to. You wouldn't happen to know a link to one for him?
Posted by kerry on July 20 2006,01:16
Try these guy's out they might have the answer's you need-> < http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showforum=22 >Sorry about bouncing you but most of us have never used XDSL. ![]() Posted by mikshaw on July 20 2006,01:25
the x-dsl page is < http://www.xbox-linux.org/ >It's all wiki, apparently, so i dunno about a forum. In any case, you can try to figure out what's wrong by searching these forums, but please don't get upset if we can't help you...x-dsl is a separate project over which the dsl developers have no control. Posted by evil ataru on July 20 2006,11:05
Yes i know is a separate project, anyway you surely have been really kind! ![]() Thank you very much, I'll get a look at that forum and let you know if I manage to solve the problem. ![]() Posted by nickelplated on Aug. 02 2006,18:52
I get the same error this guy was talking about. I'm running latest stable dsl. Is there something I'm missing about how to run uci apps? When I run the mydsl-load app from the terminal for any .uci package I get the message ioctl: LOOP_SET_FD: Device or resource busy besides the message "please mount media containing optional dir and try again" |