Silly place to ask it, but... but How do i ...Forum: Apps Topic: Silly place to ask it, but... but How do i ... started by: LeeT91 Posted by LeeT91 on Jan. 07 2006,20:08
Sorry for asking in a silly place, but how do you uninstall MyDSL extensions?
Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 07 2006,20:14
edit: sorry, dead link.Instead, read Robert's post below. To expand on his statement "They do not provide package management", this means that there is no "uninstall" in mydsl. UCI packages can be umounted, so that takes care of them. TAR.GZ packages are installed into /opt/program_name. Remove that directory and the application is gone. All you are left with is none, some, or all of the following: Personal config(s) in /home/dsl/ (could be a directory or a single file). Icon and lnk files in /home/dsl/.xtdesktop/ A line in /home/dsl/.fluxbox/menu DSL packages are the most difficult to remove, since they are installed into the base system. If you really want to remove it, look inside the *.dsl package (it's a gzipped tarball) to find out what files were installed, and remove them manually. Be very careful doing this, particularly with *.so* files (libraries), as some of them may have been in the original DSL system...removing them might break other apps, or possibly break your system. Then ask yourself..."Why didn't I choose frugal?" =o) Posted by roberts on Jan. 07 2006,22:21
Nobody reads Getting Started.Nobody reads the web page for mydsl extensions, so I will post it here again! Damn Small Linux myDSL Application Extensions ALL DSL Extensions are made exclusively for Damn Small Linux. This requires loading them from within DSL, as user dsl. They are made for the liveCD and "frugal" type installs. They do not provide package management, simply reboot. While not made for hard drive installed systems. most will work however it is not recommended. Posted by Grim on Jan. 09 2006,06:36
I'm gone from the forums for a few weeks and now cbagger and roberts are flagellating the lazy asshole newbs.It's like I've died and gone to heaven. Posted by adraker on Jan. 09 2006,07:22
Priceless.![]() Posted by clivesay on Jan. 09 2006,13:45
Ah, the Grim is back. Welcome back, my friend. I now know there will be interesting reading in the forums (At least til the baby arrives ![]() Chris Posted by TotalNoob on Jan. 29 2006,16:08
Ok maybe I wasnt clear enoughI got DSL installed into my hard drive and I downloaded Xmule and some other stuff like Xine, Skype, etc from MyDSL, and now I want to uninstall it how do I do that? ps milkshaw the link leads to nowhere Posted by TotalNoob on Jan. 29 2006,16:12
Ok I got DSL installed in my hard drive, and installed several apps from MyDSL, such as Xmule, Xine, Skype, etc.How do I uninstall the ones I dont want anymore? plz help my out Posted by on Jan. 29 2006,16:14
Same Here
Posted by cmanb on Jan. 29 2006,16:20
Roberts just said that mydsl extensions are not supported or recommended for harddrive installs.If all you did was load the extension, then reboot. In the future, if you want to, install apt-get and synaptic and use that as you would on a traditional Debian system. Posted by TotalNoob on Jan. 30 2006,19:32
It may not be suported or whatever, but I STILL got DSL installed in my harddrive as any OS (I dont boot it from a pen or from a CD), and STILL I got stuff from myDSL installed, rebooting doesnt make them go away. so the question STILL is: HOW DO I UNINSTALL THIS STUFF?
Posted by on Jan. 30 2006,19:38
Yeah, What's that 'crude' way?
Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 30 2006,20:18
Look back on my first (edited) post for a brief explaination of how the different types of mydsl packages are installed.Some more information on the *.dsl type.... Keep your original package file. If you don't have it anymore, download it again from the mydsl repository < > If you don't have the original package you won't be able to know what files are installed by that package (myDSL is *not* a package management doesn't keep track of what's installed). Use this command to list files in the package:
Now you know what files were installed, you can remove them (probably needs to be done as root). As I said before, use caution when doing this...some packages may have overwritten files that were already in DSL. While I believe mydsl packages *shouldn't* do this, I'm pretty sure it still happens occasionally. Files in "bin" directories are probably ok to delete. Files in "share/program_name" directories are almost definitely ok to delete. Files in "lib" directories are tricky. It's pretty much impossible to tell most of the time whether the file was an original part of DSL, unless you have a list of DSL's libs handy. Sometimes it's best just to leave the libs alone unless you're certain you know what you're doing. Removing the bin and share file(s) is enough to remove the bulk of a program in most cases. Posted by TotalNoob on Jan. 30 2006,21:36
thanks milkshaw, that realy helped
Posted by Ploppy on Jan. 31 2006,19:26
Yes right , some people here act like bad teachers , I know it all ,you newbees dont blabla.... It sucks, this is not school ,looks more like a help forumMilkshaw was absolutely right , but I found another easier way do this: Every dsl is nothing but an tar.gz file , so all you have to do is Rename the xyz.dsl to xyz.tar.gz , and then leftclick and plugin>unpack so you can view all its content , I would suggest to keep the files in the /lib folder , they might be used by other programs too , best thing is just to delete the bigger files like binaries in /usr/bin and the help-docs in /usr/share, and of cause dont forget the entrys in ./xtdesktop and in the ./fluxbox menu.lst Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 31 2006,20:04
That's easier? "tar -zvf filename" is a single command that gives you a renaming, no extracting, no browsing needed. You still need the original package either way, and you still need to remove them manually...or via script:tar -zvf filename > filelist for i in `cat filelist`; do rm /$i ; done I guess each to his own....if you think doing more work and using unnecessary disk space so you don't have type anything is easier, then yeah....go for it =o) by the way...I'm writing a package manager for myDSL packages. I'm expecting to have a useable pm sometime within the next couple of months. It will let you install packages as a user other than dsl, will backup any files that are overwritten by the package, and will remove the packages for you (*.dsl packages anyway). Posted by Ploppy on Feb. 02 2006,19:42
Dear Milkshaw , yes right tar zvf is also easy , as a windows user I define everything as easy wich is nota comandline input, honestly I often mistype those ones and got to start again (no secretary around). A package manager would be great , a big step for the DSL idea , I like the Yast installer , wich lets you search for keywords and uninstall the selected items ,that would be great for really freeing diskspace, thank you in advance ;) |