myDSL Extensions changes updateForum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: myDSL Extensions changes update started by: ke4nt1 Posted by ke4nt1 on July 07 2004,04:38
As of today...I have updated most all of my .dsl contributions in the repository. Due to the method I was adding menus, there was an issue with some DSL base directories being overwritten. This created problems with users of older DSL versions who install .dsl's via 'tar -C', rather than using icons or the mydsl-menu or mydsl-load methods. If you are using the 0.7 or .0.7.1 versions, you many not have noticed this issue. Updating your copies to the latest builds is recommended. Please redownload any .dsl's you may have that are from ke4nt1 to help with feedback and resolution of this issue. All md5sums have been updated as well. New .info files to follow. mplayer.dsl * Copperwine-theme.tar.gz * xgalaga.dsl DSL-aterm.dsl * pente.dsl * xgammon.dsl * quake2.dsl ayttm2.dsl * twlog.dsl * xmame.dsl * doom.dsl * vba.dsl xpat2.dsl * freebirth.dsl * xastir.dsl * xpuyopuyo.dsl linpsk.dsl * xephem.dsl * xbubble.dsl xine.dsl and edna.dsl to follow. < myDSL Extensions Area > 73 ke4nt Posted by ke4nt1 on July 07 2004,05:22
xine.dsl has been updated.xmahjongg.dsl has been updated. tuxtype.dsl has been updated. ( no more fake full screen - true window mode ) abiword.dsl has been updated ace.dsl has been updated bittorrent.dsl has been updated blue-theme.tar.gz has been updated gcombust.dsl has been updated < myDSL Extensions Area > 73 ke4nt Posted by clivesay on July 07 2004,16:55
With CBagger's script making the creation process very simple, I am guessing that people will be creating a ton of .dsl files. Do you post every file that is made or do you only post files that are in demand? I ask this because I am not sure how much space is available to hold all of these files. Do you create a "MyDSL Wish" thread and then edit the thread on an ongoing basis with the date that each "Wish" is added to the repository? Just a thought....... Chris Posted by ke4nt1 on July 07 2004,18:57
I accept and post all files to the repository from users and contributors. They are placed in the 'testing area' , and are available to everyone for testing, preview, and review. This is to allow others to download and use the extensions, provide feedback, critique, and other suggestions. The idea being that, with good feedback, an ample time for revisions, and review by DSL staff, they would soon move to the main repository It is soon planned that the DSL staff will be designing a system of "levels", or 'colors' that will indicate the integrity, or safety, of using a new contrib.
DSL will continue to provide space for extensions for now as well as the immediate future. Ibiblio deals with massive numbers of large distros. DSL extensions growth will not be a problem. We encourage it.
I personally build extensions that interest me, my family, and friends. Other contributors seem to follow that pattern as well, and then simply post notice of a new .dsl in the forums, after it is in the repository, or when it is available from a contributors website. I frequent the forums daily, and will usually grab a copy for the repository, or contact them about doing so, and place a copy in the testing area. DSL staff are currently using their time and energy working on the next release of DSL. That's the reason for my support here. Feel free to suggest an idea for an extension, but I don't forsee a "Request Line' for extensions, other than suggestions in the forums. See this thread <;t=59; > 73 ke4nt Posted by mpie on July 07 2004,22:28
how can i get thunderbird in the repository
Posted by ke4nt1 on July 07 2004,23:46
Contact me via email for ftp access.ke4nt[at]damnsmalllinux[dot]org [All Users] See added updates for .dsl files at the top of this thread. 73 ke4nt Posted by henk1955 on July 08 2004,14:58
it is good that improved versions of dsl packages are it possible to add some version information in the repository list? so i can see if i need an update to one of the packages i use. maybe the version and versiondate at the and of the filename or make sure the info-file contains version and versiondate and that the info-file is included in the package. henk Posted by ke4nt1 on July 08 2004,15:28
Your ahead of me on that one, henk1955..Only so many hours in a day... ![]() My first priority was working on the extensions, which I'm soon to complete. Then getting them uploaded to replace older versions. I will be updating the .info files shortly thereafter. Most are only 24-48 hours old at best. I'm still testing them now, so when DSL is satisfied with them, I'll update the .info files then.. 73 ke4nt |