Ke4nt to manage the repositoryForum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: Ke4nt to manage the repository started by: John Posted by John on June 30 2004,02:41
Big thanks to Ke4nt who has volunteered to assist in maintaining the repository. He will be managing the myDSL extensions area at ibiblio.We are working on an arrangement to receive extension contributions from users, and manage transfers to and from mydsl testing/stable areas. Ke4nt is also going to make himself available for other contributors who would like help with extension development. We will have an alternative to .lsm files, the details of which still need to be worked out. Posted by nucpc on June 30 2004,12:14
Many thanks for taking this on Ke4nt1 and thanks John as always. The way the DSLproject and community responds, and the sheer speed it moves at, is incredible. Head and shoulders above all others. If it would help I'd be happy to offer some webspace for any `tricky' packages that might not easily go onto the repository..... All the best. Posted by ke4nt1 on June 30 2004,13:07
( xpenguins are skating and flying around my desktop.. ![]() Thanks for the kind words, and the opportunity to further contribute. Work is progressing on replacing the controversial 'lsm' files with something more descriptive, and less painful . While credit goes where credit is due, the idea so far is to separate the AUTHOR credit from the area where contributors can be descriptive about their packages, and log changes to builds. I'll soon share examples and templates with everyone as soon as the details are nailed down. Rather spend a extra day or two listening to feedback, and bouncing around ideas now, than changing the game plan mid-stream, and asking everyone to change or modify files again. Please feel free to send any extensions or packages that are not yet posted up in the testing area at DSL to me. My email for now is Yahoo now has 100mb space, and 10 mb transfers, so it should handle most file sizes for now.. If email or attachment size is a problem, let me know, or use the messenger here to contact me, and I'll arrange other methods. I'll soon have an ftp area up, with temporary short term user/pass combos, that will be available for uploading contribs. I'll actively grab what I can find already posted and available, and forward them to the testing area at ibiblio. Gettting the md5's along with the files would be helpful. Any other thoughts? now's the time..... 73 ke4nt Posted by nucpc on July 04 2004,11:23
Ke4nt,Just a quick suggestion/idea; is there any chance of highlighting some of the .info links (in red say) in the testing/stable repository when the contained information is vital for the .dsl user?? A couple of mine could do with such highlighting and I think some others would also might just a little note at the top to say what the colour code means and Authors categorize their .info files accordingly (?). Just a suggestion, all the best. |