what I need to throw away KnoppixForum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: what I need to throw away Knoppix started by: subarus Posted by subarus on June 21 2004,13:06
I hv been using Knoppix for awhile.I have tried to substitute xchat/gaim with ayttm and naim when using DSL/mydsl but found myself keep reverting back to Knoppix to use xchat/gaim. Is it easy to create mydsl files for xchat/gaim and put it in depository for ppl like me? ![]() while you are at it , can you throw in synaptic.dsl ? How about "anydvdplayer".dsl ? ![]() Btw, firefox.dsl rocks. better than mozilla and konqueror. sylpheed, vncviewer are great. samba.dsl is great dillo and glinks are useless. thanks Posted by tecker on June 21 2004,16:02
Ok what is it about gaim that you use? MSN, Yahoo, Aim, All of the above. Just wondering. DVD is covered by XINE (unless you hate that player) look at < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....16;t=24 > Encrypted Dvd might not but < this picture > makes me think differently. If you install the dpkg.dsl and update the package list with your fav mirror synaptic should be there in the mirror. Just execute:
And you should be good to go there. I will work on the xchat and gaim (maybe depending on time). Hmm something to do this summer. Posted by tecker on June 22 2004,16:54
Hey subarus,Head over to < http://arthur.ph.man.ac.uk/~pc/dslt.html > and get the Xchat. I will keep strugling on the gaim and see if it will come up working. Posted by subarus on June 23 2004,13:12
I know! I tried it but gotten this msg:xchat: error while loading shared lib: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 thanks for helping me out. btw I can do without gaim.. i can get by with ayttm but i need xchat because i hate setting up the server:port everything i need to login. with xchat, all the server information is there for me to just click. Posted by tecker on June 23 2004,17:56
Opps. I built that package with a bunch of dependencies already in place and did not include them in the package. Pick up < the new xchat.doc > and rename it from .doc to .dsl. If someone could mirror that new one. The new one is deamed rc1 ![]() Posted by subarus on June 24 2004,13:02
success.. thanx teckerI managed to login to all the servers i need, do what i need todo. groovy. btw, DSL/mydsl rocks, very soon the world will know ![]() there are a few dependency missings; but does not affect what I want todo. AutoLoad failed for: /usr/lib/xchat/plugins/tcl.so libtcl8.4.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Perl interface loaded AutoLoad failed for: /usr/lib/xchat/plugins/python.so libpython2.3.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory |