
Group: Members
Posts: 68
Joined: Jan. 2008 |
Posted: Oct. 10 2008,05:13 |
Hi chaostic
Quote | Also, a space won't work for $2 because an unescaped space is treated as a whitespace. You could try sudo backup \ hdd4 project_$(date +%F)
Note, two spaces after \
or sudo backup " " hdd4 project_$(date +%F) |
Ok, note the last part of my signature (I must have had one of those). If a character doen't work put a \, if a string doesn't work put it in quotes. As long as I have been writing in PERL I should have known better.
The example was just by way of illustration of the functionality. I hand name most old archive versions because I may not make a copy to roll back to until I am doing something thay may go completly wrong so I may call todays backup 2008_june. But an automatic date stamp as an option wouldn't be hard.  (In fact I'm gonna give that a quick go right now)
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