
Group: Members
Posts: 155
Joined: Dec. 2003 |
Posted: Aug. 16 2004,19:19 |
This might be a bit of a monster to package. Freevo can be had from deb " unstable main" in your apt sources list. Look at Knoppmyth. Those guys have a special stripped down Knoppix to install MythTV (a similar program to freevo with more functionality). Believe me, Knoppmyth was a god-send to those who had trouble installing MythTV.
You might want to try packaging WebVCR+. It is a similar, but way simplified project utilizing Perl. Look at its requirements though.
This may not really work either unless you can get the TV card detected and setup by DamnSmall. Back when I was messing with Flonix, a DamnSmall derivative, I think it had auto detect for TV cards and I know that full-blown Knoppix does. That is a very complex process to setup by hand and you may not be able to save your changes that will make it work. Good Luck and I hope you get one of them to work, I just wanted to warn you.
For all of them you need Mplayer. If you really make one of these into a .dsl, you may want to include all the requirements (Mplayer, Xine, python, php, Mysql, etc.) or have a script that sets DSL up to use apt-get (install dsl-dpkg, then change the apt/sources.list) and then grabs all the requirements. Did I mention it will be complex?
-------------- ripcrd6 ---------------- Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.