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Posted: Sep. 07 2005,02:44 |
andrewphoto ,
While I can't boast of being a Bush supporter, or even affiliated with any political agendas..
We also hear , on our news , about the BBC, our own DNC, and other politically motivated figures, taking the opportunity to politicize their views during this time of need and anguish..
Taking advantage of media opportunities during this horrible natural disaster, to further their own agendas and promote extreme leftist views against the affairs of our govt. in their efforts thruout the world..
Another opportunity to "beat the bush" , so to speak..
Here in Houston, we have taken on the bulk of the evacuees, and know of the stories they tell from being there.
My ham radio organization is providing communications, voluntarily, for the Astrodome, and the other facilities here in Houston. So much of my info comes thru non-political channels.
Truth be known, mgmont speaks it correctly.
President Bush DID in fact contact the Governor of Louisiana, the DAY BEFORE the storm made landfall, and urgently requested permission to enter into assistance for preparation of the aftermath.
Working with our Governor here in Texas, much effort and assistance has been setup, and sent, to LA. on behalf of Texas, under the leadership of President Bush.
Again, the MAYOR of New Orleans has much at fault, in the lack of organization and rescue immediately before and after the storm. Likewise, with the governor of LA, who was helpless to begin any rescue or immediate efforts down the chain of command, due to lack of communications , a side effect of the storms fury.
..and it IS true that a plan was already in-place , dsigned to become active during a category 3 or higher storm , for the greater New Orleans Area for evacuation and saving of lives. It was never initiated or used during this crisis, mostly due to lack of involvement and leadership by local and state authorities.
The local govt. of LA was caught with their pants down once again..
I expect heads will roll on this one.
But I do wish these folks with the TIME and MONEY to blast their opinions on radio and tv, would use that time and energy to come down here , and give a helping hand to all the huge numbers of kindfolk who are generously giving monies, assistance, aid, comfort, shelter, and help with reconstruction to thousands of FELLOW AMERICANS in need from the Gulf Coast, LA. included.
73 ke4nt