
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: Dec. 2003 |
Posted: Dec. 30 2003,03:18 |
Hello ppl... Today i discovered the smallest Linux, and damn is it small. I have a few questions b4 i proceed with the install. How do i do a small network install? I have an old machine : P166 AMD, 24 MB ram, 40 MB HDD (yes uve heard rite 40 megs of space), 10mbit NIC, 512 kbyte Trident video card. I would like to use it to connect to a ftp server and connect to my samba server, so i could put things to a samba server, preferably on gui, plus anything else that fits on the HDD I searched the forums for FAQs on network install and everything else, guess im just a n00b. If any1 could help me, then know, its greatly appreciated. So big thanks in advance=)
P.S Floppy device is f-disked :/ Only CDROM worx =(