Apt-get :: geoip - oldstable/stable question...
OK, I'm very new to Linux.
I have a question. Please correct me at any point, I'm probably wrong on some of my assumptions anyway.
From what I've been able to figure out, I think that DSL is based on Debian Woodie... Right?
Hence apt-get points to: deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ oldstable main non-free contrib
I want to install geoip but it isn't listed on oldstable, it is only listed on stable and tetsing. If I were to try installing it from stable and/or testing.... Could I break DSL? I'm concerned on breaking dependancies and then not being able to install other things.
Thanks in advance 
I assume you have a traditional hd install if you're concerned about breakage. Use frugal install instead and you won't have these worries.
Why not test geoip on a live cd first? Then you'll know.
original here.