Apt-get :: Trying to install uqm...
Ok... I think I learned something... Yes. It worked. Thanks. 
But. Is it possible to config settings to make apt-get take a package from oldstable if found? If not found then from sarge?
Hmm, i usally do that with synaptic's preference setting. i don't know if you can do that with apt-get it self automatically. i know you can specify where to install from in the command. if your up for a little reading you can read the manual here -> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/
i've never actually read it all myself as i prefer to use the gui(synaptic) rather than command line, plus i've got a bad memory and it's hard for me to remember all those commands. ;)
About half of the time when I'm 'using' my computer I'm accessing into it via ssh. That's why I prefer CLI. 
But anyway. It's studying time! \o_
original here.